Otniel Abiezer

I like Mathematics since I was a kid and take Informatics Major because it also can be called as "Applied Mathematics". I enjoy learning about data, analyzing it, and making people understand it as well. I am a detailed, logical, observant, problem-solver person, and also like learning new various things inside or outside of my major.

Area of Expertise: Data Science and Data Analytics
(including Machine Learning, Data Visualization, and so on)

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Bachelor of Informatics from
Telkom University


Graduated on December 2022


Python, C++, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Dart


Data Science

Software Development (Web & Mobile)

Database, API, JSON

More Information

To see full information about my frameworks, libraries, and so on, you can go to:
My GitHub Profile


Data Scientist

March 2023 to June 2023: Peta Kebijakan

Research Assistant

July 2022 to September 2022: Telkom University

Project-Based Intern: Data Scientist Virtual Internship Experience

May-2022 to June-2022: ID/X Partners

My Top 6 Projects on GitHub

These are my (or with my team) top open-source projects on GitHub. I (or we) also have accomplished some projects not listed below which are not open-source.


You can see some of my (or our) deployments on online website.

Scientific Publication

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